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Penelitian aplikasi zeolit dilakukan pada pembibitan kelapa sawit untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap medium tanam dan pertumbuhan serta serapan hara bibit kelapa sawit ....Readmore


Dengan majunya penemuan teknologi, zeolite disebut dengan nama mineral serba guna, karena fungsinya yang sangat beraneka ragam, .... Readmore


Toxic nuclear radiation is being spread all around our world due to many reactors malfunctioning or spilling their deadly load into the environment. Radiation can .... Readmore


Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan manusia. Karena itu jika kebutuhan akan air tersebut belum tercukupi maka dapat memberikan dampak .... Readmore

HZP (Soil Conditioner)

Solusi memperbaiki lahan, meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas hasil pertanian. Terdaftar.....Readmore.

Showing posts with label Non Metals Minerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Non Metals Minerals. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Manfaat Mineral Zeolit untuk Bidang Perikanan

Manfaat Mineral Zeolit untuk Bidang Perikanan
Produk natural mineral zeolite selain dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan effektifitas pemupukan dalam bidang pertanian, juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pengolah tanah dasar tambak/kolam berperan dalam hal :

  1. Menyerap dan menukar senyawa kimmia yang meracuni air tambak/kolam seperti N2,NH3 ( Amoniak ) , H2S, COD , BOD dan CO2 
  2. Menigktkan kada Oksigen ( O2) 
  3. Menetralisir keasaman tanah dasar tambak/kolam dan merangsang pertumbuhan plankton 
Selain itu produk miineral Zeolit ini apt berfungis

  1. Menjaga stabiitas air tambak/kolam pada tingkat ideal 
  2. Meningkatkan nafsu makan bagi udang/ikan dan mengefektifikan pemakaian pakan 
  3. Menyehatkan dan menurunkan tingkat kematian udang/ikan 
  4. Meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi udang/ikan 
  5. Menurunkan polusi/tingkat pencemaran yang timbul dari kotoran dan sisa pakan yang membusuk
Natural mineral zeolite juga dapat dipakai sebagai penyerap atau pengontrol Amonium yang dikeluarkan udang/ikan setelah mereka diberi makan .
Bila hal tersebut tidak dikontrol , jumlah amonium yang terkumpul akan meracuni udang/ikan tersebut.
Dengan pemakaian natural mineral zeolite pada ruang yang sama maka jumlah udang/ikan yang dpat dipelihara dapat lebih banyak.

Dosis Pemakaian mineral Zeolit pada tambak/kolam 
Dosis pemakain zeolit pada tambak udang / ikan

  1. Untuk keprluan Reklamasi Tambak ( Pembenihan Ulang Pada Tambak adalah - 1 ton s/d 2 ton per hektar tambak 
  2. Untuk Perawatan Tambak : - 50 kg s/d 100 kg perminggu per petak , selama perawatan 3 bulan ( ukuran petak : 2.500 m2 s/d 3.000 m2 ) 
  3. Untuk Treatment ( Perlakuan apabila ada udang atau ikan sakit : - 200 kg / petak dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi kemungkinan efek racun dari gas H2S dan lain-lain dari pembusukan sisa pakan pada tambak tersebut.

Friday 27 July 2012

Indonesian Government Published New Export Rules

Coal Minning 
Jakarta, 11/5 (ANTARA)

The Ministry of Commerce issued new regulations regarding the export of products mining which came into effect on May 7, 2012.

According to a press release the Ministry of Commerce Jakarta on Friday, Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 29/M-DAG/PER/5/2012 about the laws governing the export of mining products published to support efforts to curb mining business.

"To support the orderly business in mining, to ensure fulfillment of the needs of mining in the country, as well as create business certainty and legal certainty for the mining business," said Director General of Foreign Trade Deddy Saleh.

Enforcement efforts aimed at controlling the exploitation of mining minerals, conserving resources and reduce the impact of mining on the mining activities damage the environment.

Permendag on mining exports regulate the export trade system 65 No. Tariff Heading / HS minerals including 21 HS Minerals Metals such as nickel, iron ore, copper ore, aluminum ore, manganese, zinc, lead, silver, gold, platinum, titanium.

The provision also includes 10 HS Non Metals Minerals such as quartz, limestone, zeolite and feldspar; and 34 HS rocks consisting of slate, marble, and granite onik.

In this case, the company wants to export mining products have gained recognition as a Registered Exporter of Mining Products (ET-Mining Products) in advance from the Director General of Foreign Trade on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce.

Recognition as an ET-Mining Products, among others, are given to companies that have a mining permit Mining Permit (IUP) Production Operations, Special Operations Production IUP, and the People's Mining Permit (IPR).

Mining company with operating license Contract of Work (COW), Production Operation IUP special processing and refining, as well as the Production Operation IUP specialized transportation and sales could also recognized ET-Mining Products.

Ministry of Commerce gives ET-product of mining on the recommendation of the Director General of Mineral and Coal Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Ministry of Energy would only recommend companies that already have the status of Clean and Clear, as well as the development road map fusion.

In addition, if the holder of Mining Products ET-want to export, then it shall submit the export approval to the Director General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce on the recommendation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Such recommendations should contain information on the type, No. Tariff Heading / HS, the exported amount, duration, destination port of loading and export of mining products.

Under the terms, each of the export of mining products should also be verified by a surveyor who has been assigned the Director General of Foreign Trade on behalf of the Minister of Commerce, as well as royalty payments required to settle. Government to improve regulations for mineral exports during the period 2008-2011 exports of mining products increased very sharply.

As an illustration, during that period, exports rose 703 percent of nickel ore, copper ore increased 118 percent, up 490 percent aluminum ore, and iron ore up to 4427 percent. (*)

 Editor: Maryati
Sources http://www.antaranews.com, Copyright © 2012


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