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Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Agriculture and Plant Growing Use Of Natural Zeolite On Sandy Soil

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Fields of using the natural zeolite embrace practically all kinds of human activities , and above all in agriculture, plant growing and ecology as follows .
  1. Ameliorant, natural fertilizer structure modifier, radionuclide absorber
  2. Soil deoxidizer (cations of heavy metals in the soil being decontaminated and the soil its elfbeingenriched with micro elements )
  3. Stabilizer of mineral fertilizers
  4. Mineral component of foamed glass and concrete.
  5. Active additive to grouting mortars for well cementing
  6. Abrasive materi al for producing cleaning compositions
  7. Ion exchanger and sorbent for water purification and softening

Natural HOUSEPLANTS preserves water in the soi l , retaining it for along time and supplying plants with it slowly and continuously.
The use of natural zeolite stops washing out of fertilizers from the soil , restores and increases ability of the soil to exchange nutrients for plants .
Natural zeolite prevents diseases of roots of the plants , being a source of micro elements and a soil temperature regulator.

A significant number of exchange bas es : Ca, Mg, Na, K and various microelements whos equantity distinctively exceeds their content in the soil , get into the soil together with zeolite. Thanks to the hghly active sorbent and to the appearance of exchange bases in the soil solution and the solid phase absorbing functions of the soil complex made up by sandy soils are increased.

The practical introduction of cli noptilolite into the soil results in the significant accumulation of mobile and absorbed calcium; it proves that the natural mineral and the soil interact immediately. The natural zeolite acts as an ion exchanger: cations from the clinoptilolite structure are replaced with hydrogen ions of the soil solution and of the soil solid phase. Thus , as a resul t of the cli noptilolite applicati on the content of Ca, K and Mg exchange bases in the soil absorbing complex is si gnificantly increased as compared with the initial one.

So the increase of the calcium content in the soil complex, caused by zeolite applicati on proves that it actively interacts not only with the soil but also with mineral fertilizers . The point in view is the exchange absorption of important-for-plant-nutrition cations introduced into the soil together with fertilizers . This property of natural zeolites is used to prevent losses of nutrient substances while they are accumulated in the soil .

Genetic resources of mineral and organic resources , being, as it is known, main carriers of the soil absorbing capacity are extremely limited in sandy soils , and consequently is limited is the capacity of the soil to absorb and retain nutritive substances . When natural zeolite is introduced into the soil the content of an active mineral fraction having good ion-exchange properties increases , resulting .in the growth of the absorbing capacity of the fertile soil . In practice the greatest increase in cation capacity may be attained when 1 hectare of land is treated wi th 15 tons of zeolite. This method is rather efficient and its effect is preserved for a long time: from 5 to 7 years .

The cation exchange capacity of the soil enriched with zeolite increases at the expense of natural reserves of alkaline earth elements cations as well as due to its elective exchange capacity to absorb and retain nutritive substances from fertili zers that have been introduced into the soil . With the increase of the absorbing capacity of the soil its most important properties improve which is reflected on the growth and heal th of plants .

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