Penelitian aplikasi zeolit dilakukan pada pembibitan kelapa sawit untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap medium tanam dan pertumbuhan serta serapan hara bibit kelapa sawit ....Readmore


Dengan majunya penemuan teknologi, zeolite disebut dengan nama mineral serba guna, karena fungsinya yang sangat beraneka ragam, .... Readmore


Toxic nuclear radiation is being spread all around our world due to many reactors malfunctioning or spilling their deadly load into the environment. Radiation can .... Readmore


Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan manusia. Karena itu jika kebutuhan akan air tersebut belum tercukupi maka dapat memberikan dampak .... Readmore

TZP Plus (Soil Conditioner)

Solusi memperbaiki lahan, meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas hasil pertanian. Terdaftar.....Readmore.

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Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Natural Zeolite for Radiation Protection

Natural Zeolite for Radiation Protection

Toxic nuclear radiation is being spread all around our world due to many reactors malfunctioning or spilling their deadly load into the environment. Radiation can cause long-term damage leading to leukopenia, genetic damage and physical deformity. Food can become contaminated with radioactive isotopes, as well the water supply that irrigates crops and supplies drinking water.

Natural Zeolite, has some unique properties that make it a viable aid in ridding the body of radiation once exposed. Radiation detox cold be a primary use for this substance. The zeolite molecules, acting like a magnet with a negative charge, grab on to the radioactive particles which have a positive charge. This means that if you have ingested or absorbed radioactive particles, the zeolite can be ingested and potentially find and grab on to those particles and remove them safely through excretion.

Natural Zeolites are so powerful they are even used in toxic dump and nuclear waste cleanup. At the Hanford Nuclear Facility in Richland, Washington, radioactive strontium-90 and cesium-137 have been removed from radioactive waste solutions by passing them through tanks packed with the natural zeolite. After the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, zeolites were used to adsorb radioactive ions.

More than 500,000 tons of zeolite was dumped via helicopter at Chernobyl to absorb radioactive chemicals and other harmful toxins that were released during the disaster. In addition, cattle were fed zeolite to help keep radioactive ions out of milk, and zeolite was baked into cookies/biscuits to help minimize the contamination in humans. Sandbags of Zeolite were dropped into the seawater near the Fukushima nuclear plant to adsorb radioactive Cesium that was present there in high levels.

Source :http://www.zeolite-sale.com

Siemens Innovative Zeolitic Drying System

An innovative zeolitic drying system from Siemens has won the Award for Climate Protection and the Environment in the category for product and service innovations in the field of climate protection. Equipped with this system, the Siemens speed Matic dishwasher is around 20% more efficient than appliances in the highest energy-efficiency category. Its minimal water consumption, 10 instead of 14 liters per cycle, also sets a new record. Engineers at BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte are the first to take this completely new technology to the mass-production stage as well. Although it is only featured in top-of-the-range models at present, there are already plans to introduce it successively in mid-range models.

Inside the dishwasher are special minerals that generate supplementary heat. This shortens the program at 50°C to just under two hours, which is around 30 minutes less than is needed by conventional dishwashers. As a result, the speedMatic is also the fastest dishwasher in the highest efficiency category. This supplementary heat is generated by zeolites – aluminosilicate minerals with a very large surface area and microporous structure. The dishwasher exploits the ability of such minerals to absorb up to 40% of their dry weight in water and, in the process, give off heat. By the same token, they release this water when heated.

During the drying cycle, warm, moist air is fed into a container under the dishwasher chamber, which contains 1.15 kilograms of small white zeolitic granules. These absorb the moisture and release hot, dry air, thus substantially shortening the drying cycle. In the next washing cycle, the granules are heated to remove the moisture, thereby regenerating them. The zeolithes stay in the dishwasher during its whole lifetime.

Thanks to its increased efficiency, the new dishwasher helps save energy and thus reduce CO2 emissions. If all dishwashers with an energy consumption of over 1.3 kWh per cycle were replaced by ultra-efficient appliances with zeolitic drying, the savings in Germany alone would amount to over 1.2 million metric tons of CO2 a year. That corresponds to the amount of C02 produced by approximately 600,000 passenger cars, each driving 15,000 kilometers a year.

Sources : http://design.kitchensatlanta.com


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