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Dengan majunya penemuan teknologi, zeolite disebut dengan nama mineral serba guna, karena fungsinya yang sangat beraneka ragam, .... Readmore


Toxic nuclear radiation is being spread all around our world due to many reactors malfunctioning or spilling their deadly load into the environment. Radiation can .... Readmore


Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan manusia. Karena itu jika kebutuhan akan air tersebut belum tercukupi maka dapat memberikan dampak .... Readmore

TZP Plus (Soil Conditioner)

Solusi memperbaiki lahan, meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas hasil pertanian. Terdaftar.....Readmore.

1:1 Traffic Exchange Yibbida operates a 1:1 traffic exchange system that is consistently generating web site traffic.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Membuat Filter Untuk Air Tanah I

Waroeng Cikembar - Membuat Filter Untuk Air Tanah

Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan manusia. Karena itu jika kebutuhan akan air tersebut belum tercukupi maka dapat memberikan dampak yang besar terhadap kerawanan kesehatan maupun sosial. Pengadaan air bersih di Indonesia khususnya untuk skala yang besar masih terpusat di daerah perkotaan, dan dikelola oleh Perusahan Air Minum (PAM) kota yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian secara nasional jumlahnya masih belum mencukupi dan dapat dikatakan relatif kecil yakni 10,77 % (Supas -1985). Untuk daerah yang belum mendapatkan pelayanan air bersih dari PAM umumnya mereka menggunakan air tanah (sumur), air sungai, air hujan, air sumber (mata air) dan lainnya.

Dari hasil survey penduduk antar sensus (SUPAS) 1985, prosentasi banyaknya rumah tangga dan sumber air minum yang digunakan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia sangat bervariasi tergantung dari kondisi geografisnya. Secara nasional yakni sebagai berikut : Yang menggunakan air leding 10,77 %, air tanah dengan memakai pompa 7,85 %, air sumur (perigi) 53,78 %, mata air (air sumber) 15,70 %, air sungai 8,54 %, air hujan 1,64 % dan lainnya 1,71 %.

Permasalahan yang timbul yakni sering dijumpai bahwa kualitas air tanah maupun air sungai yang digunakan masyarakat kurang memenuhi syarat sebagai air minum yang sehat bahkan di beberapa tempat bahkan tidak layak untuk diminum. Air yang layak diminum, mempunyai standar persyaratan tertentu yakni persyaratan fisis, kimiawi dan bakteriologis, dan syarat tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan. Jadi jika ada satu saja parameter yang tidak memenuhi syarat maka air tersebut tidak layak untuk diminum. Pemakaian air minum yang tidak memenuhi standar kualitas tersebut dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan, baik secara langsung dan cepat maupun tidak langsung dan secara perlahan.

Air tanah sering mengandung zat besi (Fe) dan Mangan (Mn) cukup besar. Adanya kandungan Fe dan Mn dalam air menyebabkan warna air tersebut berubah menjadi kuning-coklat setelah beberapa saat kontak dengan udara. Disamping dapat mengganggu kesehatan juga menimbulkan bau yang kurang enak serta menyebabkan warna kuning pada diding bak serta bercak-bercak kuning pada pakaian. Oleh karena itu menurut PP No.20 Tahun 1990 tersebut, kadar (Fe) dalam air minum maksimum yang dibolehkan adalah 0,3 mg/lt, dan kadar Mangan (Mn) dalam air minum yang dibolehkan adalah 0,1 mg/lt.

Di negara maju seperti Amerika dan Jepang, peraturan standar kualitas air minumnya lebih ketat lagi. Total kandungan besi dan mangan dalam air minum maksimum yang diperbolehkan adalah 0,3 mg/lt. Untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut, perlu dilakukan upaya penyediaan sistem alat pengolah air skala rumah tangga yang dapat menghilangkan atau mengurangi kandungan besi dan mangan yang terdapat dalam air air sumur atau tanah. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas air tanah yakni dengan menggunakan filter dengan media mangan zeolit dan karbon aktif.

Kontak Personil
Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng.
Kelompok Teknologi Pengelolaan Air Bersih dan Limbah Cair Direktorat Teknologi Lingkungan Kedeputian Bidang Teknologi Informasi, Energi dan Material Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Proses Pengolahan Air Dengan Filter Mangan Zeolit Dan Filter Karbon Aktif
Air baku dipompa ke bak penampung, kemudian dari tangki penampung, air dialirkan ke filter mangan zeolit untuk menyaring atau menghilangkan zat besi atau mangan yang ada dalam air serta menghilangkan padatan tersuspensi. Dari filter ini air dialirkan ke filter karbon aktif untuk menghilangkan kandungan zat organik, bau, rasa serta polutan mikro lainnya. Kemudian, air dialirkan ke filter cartridge. Filter cartridge ini dapat menghilangkan padatan terlarut dengan ukuran lebih besar 5 (lima) mikron.

Dari filter cartridge air olahan sudah sangat jernih , dan apabila diinginkan dapat langsung diminum, air dari filter cartridge dialirkan ke sterilisator ultra violet untuk mematikan atau membunuh mikroorganisme patogen yang ada dalam air. Proses ini tanpa memerlukan energi yang besar karena bekerja dengan sistem gravitasi dan hanya memerlukan energi listrik sekitar 30 watt untuk lampu disinfeksi ulra violetnya. Air yang keluar dari sterilisator UV sudah dapat diminum langsung. Skema proses pengolahan diunjukkan pada Gambar 1
Gambar 1. Skema proses peningkatan kwalitas air tanah
Bahan Yang Digunakan

  1. Pipa PVC, diameter 8 inc 1,2 meter
  2. Dop (tutup) PVC 8 inc 2 bh
  3. CO PVC 3 inc 2 bh
  4. Stop Kran, 3/4" 5 bh
  5. Knee 3/4", PVC 4 bh
  6. Sambungan T 3/4" PVC 4 bh
  7. Strainer 2 bh
  8. Sock Drat Dalam 3/4", 2 bh
  9. Sock Drat luar 3/4", PVC 10 bh
  10. Water Mur 2 bh
  11. Lem Epoxy 2 bh
  12. Lem PVC (kaleng) 1 bh
  13. Dempul 1 bh
  14. Amplas 5 lembar
  15. Pipa PVC 3/4" 1 batang
  16. Batang Las 7 batang
  17. Cat pilox 2 kaleng
  18. Seal Tape 5 buah
  19. Kerikil diameter 5-8 mm 3 liter
  20. Pasir Silika 20 kg
  21. Mangan Zeolit 20 kg
  22. Karbon Aktif 10 kg

Cara Pembuatan

  1. Pipa PVC 8" dipotong dengan panjang 1 - 1,2 meter.
  2. Pada salah satu sisi yang sama, pipa PVC 8" tersebut dilubangi, diameter lubang 3 inci, untuk tempat memaang CO nya. Jarak pusat lubang yakni 15 Cm dari ujung-ujung pipa.
  3. Selanjutnya dibuat satu buah lubang pada sisi yang sama (tegak lurus pusat lubang untuk CO). Jarak pusat lubang masing-masing 10 Cm dari ujung pipa bagian bawah, diameter lubang + 1 inci. Lihat Gambar 2. Lubang ini untuk memasang fiiting untuk pipa air olahan dan untuk memasang sarangan (strainer) bagian bawah.

  4. Gambar 2. Letak CO, lubang pemasukan (in let), pengeluaran air (out let), dop dan saringan

  5. CO dipasang pada lubang yang telah dibuat dan dilas denga menggunakan las PVC, dan diusahakan agar kuat dan tidak bocor.
  6. Salah satu Dop (tutup) PVC 8" dilubangi pada bagian tengahnya dengan diameter 3/4 ", dan dipasang sock drat luar dan sock drat dalam, kemudian dilas dengan las PVC agar kuat menahan tekanan pompa. Dop tersebut dipasang pada bagian atas filter. Dop atas ersebut juga berfungsi untuk tempat memasang sarangan atas.
  7. Setelah pemasangan CO dan sarangan bagian bawah pada pipa filter 8" seselai, dilanjutkan dengan pemasangan dop bawah. Untuk dop bawah dipilh bentuk yang rata agar filter dapat berdiri dengan leluasa. Cara pemasangan dop bawah yakni dengan menggunakan lem PVC dan setelah kering baru dilas dengan las PVC agar kuat menahan tekanan pompa.
  8. Setelah pemasangan dop (tutup) bawah selesai, dilanjutkan dengan pemasangan dop atas yang dilengkapi dengan sarangan (srainer).
  9. Setelah pemasangan dop atas dan dop bawah selesai, dilanjutkan dengan pemasangan kran-kran pengatur aliran masuk, aliran keluar dan kran untuk pencucian balik (back wash). Untuk filter tunggal pemasangan perpipaan dan kran pengatur dilakukan seperti pada Gambar 3.
Gambar 3. Skema pemasangan kran pada filter tunggal

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Solar Ice Maker Chills with Heat and Zeolite

Seems counterintuitive, but solar energy can be harnessed to make ice cubes. An electricity-free alternative to refrigeration and air-conditioning, solar icemakers use the sun's heat during the day to drive a chemical reaction that separates a liquid refrigerant from a solid absorbent. The solid absorbent stays in the solar collector, while the liquid refrigerant is driven away and stored in a separate component called the evaporator. At night, the chemical reaction runs in reverse; the solid absorbent sucks the liquid refrigerant back into the collector. The movement happens through natural convection - without pumps, valves or any mechanical components. In the process, the liquid refrigerant evaporates and gets very cold. Any water touching the outside of the evaporator is frozen to ice, in an intermittent absorption refrigeration cycle. Basically, the two materials (absorbent and refrigerant) create a chemical reaction that becomes so cold that anything near the chemical reaction freezes - like water. To create ice continuously, the chemical reaction is produced over and over again by separating the two chemicals, using the heat of the sun, and then combining them again, at night. Once the icemaker is constructed, it has a zero carbon footprint. Greenhouse gases are not emitted during its operation nor are there any chemicals emitted that would deplete the ozone layer.

Many off grid applications exist for solar ice makers using the zeolite/water-vacuum process diagrammed here. A reservoir of water in an evacuated chamber is used to make the ice. This water reservoir is connected by a tube to another chamber containing Zeolite. Since this tube is also evacuated it contains water vapor. The chilling process is started by opening a valve so the water vapor flows to the Zeolite where it will be absorbed. As this happens, the Zeolite warms up, absorbing heat from the water reservoir as it does so. The reaction is sufficiently intense to cool the water in the reservoir enough so that it freezes. For each square meter of solar collecting area, these ice makers can generate over 10 lbs of ice. ©2012 Squidoo

Three Types of Solar Ice Makers 
Solar ice makers use one of 3 different methods: Zeolite/water - vacuum, CaCl /ammonia, or carbon/methanol. The zeolite/water under a vacuum is the easiest to implement since it doesn't include a hazardous chemical like methanol or ammonia. The carbon/methanol needs 1 square meter of collecting area to generate around 20 lbs of ice. While the ice is generated over night with these intermittent refrigeration cycles, you can cover the solar collector after a few hours to start the process.

How They Work
The plumbing of the ice maker can be divided into three parts: a generator for heating the salt-ammonia mixture, a condenser coil, and an evaporator, where the distilled ammonia collects during generation. Ammonia needs to flow back and forth between the generator and evaporator.These ice makers operate in a day/night cycle, generating distilled ammonia during the daytime and then re-absorbing it at night. The gas condenses in the condenser coil and drips down into the storage tank where, ideally, 3/4 of the absorbed ammonia collects by the end of the day. As the generator cools, the night cycle begins. The calcium chloride re-absorbs ammonia gas, pulling it back through the condenser coil as it evaporates out of the tank in the insulated box. The evaporation of the ammonia removes large quantities of heat from the collector tank and the water surrounding it. Water in bags around the tank turns to ice. In the morning the ice is removed and replaced with new water for the next cycle.

Self-Cooling Beer Kegs
An example of a Zeolite ice maker has been incorporated into the Self Cooling Beer Keg. The self-cooling keg contains three chambers. A reservoir of water in an evacuated chamber surrounds the inner chamber containing the beer. This water reservoir is connected by a tube to the outer chamber containing Zeolite. Since this tube is also evacuated it contains water vapor. By opening a valve the water vapor flows to the Zeolite where it will be absorbed. As this happens, the Zeolite warms up, absorbing heat from the water reservoir as it does so. The reaction is sufficiently intense to cool the water in the reservoir enough so that it freezes. After 30 minutes, a cold glass of beer can be tapped and the keg will keep a perfect drinking temperature for at least 12 hours. There aren't any commercially available models of these ice makers yet that aren't rather large and cost $1000 or more. The first viable product is the beer keg($35) but soon will we see other products. If you can chill 5 gallons for 8 hours with no power, they would be perfect for chilled drinks while camping or boondocking.

Source : http://www.solaripedia.com

Friday, 27 July 2012

Indonesian Government Published New Export Rules

Coal Minning 
Jakarta, 11/5 (ANTARA)

The Ministry of Commerce issued new regulations regarding the export of products mining which came into effect on May 7, 2012.

According to a press release the Ministry of Commerce Jakarta on Friday, Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 29/M-DAG/PER/5/2012 about the laws governing the export of mining products published to support efforts to curb mining business.

"To support the orderly business in mining, to ensure fulfillment of the needs of mining in the country, as well as create business certainty and legal certainty for the mining business," said Director General of Foreign Trade Deddy Saleh.

Enforcement efforts aimed at controlling the exploitation of mining minerals, conserving resources and reduce the impact of mining on the mining activities damage the environment.

Permendag on mining exports regulate the export trade system 65 No. Tariff Heading / HS minerals including 21 HS Minerals Metals such as nickel, iron ore, copper ore, aluminum ore, manganese, zinc, lead, silver, gold, platinum, titanium.

The provision also includes 10 HS Non Metals Minerals such as quartz, limestone, zeolite and feldspar; and 34 HS rocks consisting of slate, marble, and granite onik.

In this case, the company wants to export mining products have gained recognition as a Registered Exporter of Mining Products (ET-Mining Products) in advance from the Director General of Foreign Trade on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce.

Recognition as an ET-Mining Products, among others, are given to companies that have a mining permit Mining Permit (IUP) Production Operations, Special Operations Production IUP, and the People's Mining Permit (IPR).

Mining company with operating license Contract of Work (COW), Production Operation IUP special processing and refining, as well as the Production Operation IUP specialized transportation and sales could also recognized ET-Mining Products.

Ministry of Commerce gives ET-product of mining on the recommendation of the Director General of Mineral and Coal Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Ministry of Energy would only recommend companies that already have the status of Clean and Clear, as well as the development road map fusion.

In addition, if the holder of Mining Products ET-want to export, then it shall submit the export approval to the Director General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce on the recommendation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Such recommendations should contain information on the type, No. Tariff Heading / HS, the exported amount, duration, destination port of loading and export of mining products.

Under the terms, each of the export of mining products should also be verified by a surveyor who has been assigned the Director General of Foreign Trade on behalf of the Minister of Commerce, as well as royalty payments required to settle. Government to improve regulations for mineral exports during the period 2008-2011 exports of mining products increased very sharply.

As an illustration, during that period, exports rose 703 percent of nickel ore, copper ore increased 118 percent, up 490 percent aluminum ore, and iron ore up to 4427 percent. (*)

 Editor: Maryati
Sources http://www.antaranews.com, Copyright © 2012


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