Penelitian aplikasi zeolit dilakukan pada pembibitan kelapa sawit untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap medium tanam dan pertumbuhan serta serapan hara bibit kelapa sawit ....Readmore


Dengan majunya penemuan teknologi, zeolite disebut dengan nama mineral serba guna, karena fungsinya yang sangat beraneka ragam, .... Readmore


Toxic nuclear radiation is being spread all around our world due to many reactors malfunctioning or spilling their deadly load into the environment. Radiation can .... Readmore


Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan manusia. Karena itu jika kebutuhan akan air tersebut belum tercukupi maka dapat memberikan dampak .... Readmore

TZP Plus (Soil Conditioner)

Solusi memperbaiki lahan, meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas hasil pertanian. Terdaftar.....Readmore.

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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Controlled-Release Fertilizers Using Zeolites

Controlled-Release Fertilizers Using Zeolites

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has experimented with zeolites to help control the release of fertilizer nutrients in soil. The use of soluble fertilizers can lead to water pollution and to wasted nutrients. Nitrogen, for example, can leach into ground and surface waters, especially in sandy soils, and phosphate may become fixed and unavailable to plants, especially in tropical soils. Zeolites are porous minerals with high cation-exchange capacity that can help control the release of plant nutrients in agricultural systems. Zeolites can free soluble plant nutrients already in soil, and may improve soil fertility and water retention. Because zeolites are common, these unique minerals could be useful on a large-scale in agriculture.

USGS research has experimented with zeolites applied to several different fertilizers including controlled-release nitrogen, controlled-release phosphorous fertilizers, and in the release of trace nutrients.

Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer

Urea is one of the most common nitrogen fertilizers. It is very soluble in water, and can be leached through the root zone. In addition, urea is converted into ammonium ions by an enzyme found in most soils. Soil bacteria then convert these ammonium ions into readily leachable nitrate ions. Using zeolitic rocks in fertilizer can help prevent these nutrient losses.

A controlled-release nitrogen (N) fertilizer can be produced by heating zeolite rock chips to about 400oC to drive out all zeolite and pore water, which is replaced with molten urea. The urea crystallizes at about 132oC. The rate of nitrogen release from the zeolitic rock is slowed in three ways: (1) by containing urea in the rock pores and zeolite crystals, thus preventing the leaching of urea from the root zone; (2) by slowing the conversion of urea by soil enzymes, thus delaying the formation of ammonium ions; and (3) by taking up ammonium ions onto exchange sites in the zeolite, thus protecting them from nitrifying bacteria. Potassium-saturated zeolite prepared by the above method contains approximately 17 wt. percent elemental N. The rate of N release can be controlled by changing the size of the rock chips.

Controlled-Release Phosphorous Fertilizers

Phosphate (H2PO4) can be released to plants from phosphate rock (P-rock) composed largely of the calcium phosphate mineral apatite by mixing the rock with zeolite having an exchange ion such as ammonium. The approximate reaction in soil solution is as follows: (P-rock) + (NH4-zeolite) = (Ca-zeolite) + (NH4+) + (H2PO4-).

The zeolite takes up Ca2+ from the phosphate rock, thereby releasing both phosphate and ammonium ions. Unlike the leaching of very soluble phosphate fertilizers (for example, super-phosphate), the controlled-release phosphate is released as a result of a specific chemical reaction in the soil. As phosphate is taken up by plants or by soil fixation, thechemical reaction releases more phosphate and ammonium in the attempt to reestablish equilibrium. The rate of phosphate release is controlled by varying the ratio of P-rock to zeolite. Phosphorus is also released from the rock by the lowering of soil pH as ammonium ions are converted to nitrate.

Controlled-release fertilizers were tested in greenhouse pot experiments with sorghum-sudangrass using NH4-saturated zeolite (clinoptilolite) and P-rock with a phosphate application rate of 340 mg P per kg soil, and zeolite/P-rock ratios ranging from 0 to 6. Total phosphate uptake and phosphate concentration measured for the grass were related linearly to the zeolite/P-rock ratio, and yields summed over four cuttings were as much as four times larger than control experiments.

Release of Trace Nutrients

Experiments indicate that zeolite in soil can aid in the release of some trace nutrients and in their uptake by plants. The release of phosphorus, potassium (K), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu) was enhanced by the presence of zeolite in a neutral soil. The concentration of Cu and Mn in sudangrass (in mg/kg) was significantly related to the zeolite/P-rock (x) in experimental systems that used two different NH4-saturated clinoptilolites, two different soils, and two different forms of P-rock.

Potential Harmful Effects

Zeolites can be harmful as well as helpful to plant growth. For example, zeolites with sodium as the chief exchange ion can be toxic to plants, and K-, Ca-, and NH4-poor zeoIites can scavenge these ions from soil solutions and thereby limit plant growth when used in soils that are deficient in these nutrients. These negative results emphasize the need to use appropriate zeolites during agricultural experimentation.

Source : http://www.usgs.gov

Sunday, 25 September 2011

ZEO Health Zeolite

The Cleaning Process of ZEO Health Zeolite

We start with the cleanest zeolite on earth mined specifically for human consumption (the only mine in the world that does this). The zeolite is then intensely washed with purified water and prepared to ensure a standardized cat-ion capacity and clean cage. The zeolite is then put through rigorous quality control tests to ensure its quality and safety is maintained for human consumption. It is thoroughly dried and then MICRONIZED to the smallest powdered particle size thus allowing it to penetrate throughout the body and even through the blood brain barrier to safely remove disease causing toxic heavy metals that include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, barium and other toxic chemicals.

Milled vs. Micronized Zeolite

Another characteristic of a low grade zeolite has to do with the way it is processed. When zeolite rocks are “milled”, they are grinded to powder. This is normally takes place at the mine and it the cheaper way to create powder. The problem with the milling process is that it crushes the zeolite cage structure rendering the zeolite un-absorbable in the body and largely ineffective for human consumption. “Micronization” is the only way to make powdered zeolite and maintain the benefits of the cage structure.

The micronization process is an expensive quality control. When faced with the choice of milling the zeolite at the mine or shipping it out to a specialty micronization plant, many zeolite companies choose to mill the zeolite. All Zeo Health Ltd. zeolite is micronized with the strictest quality controls and highest standards for human consumption.

Refference : http://www.zeolite.com

Friday, 23 September 2011

Use Zeolite for Water Treatment

The high cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) of GSA zeolites combined with their selective affinity for specific cations make them uniquely suited to various applications in water treatment. These natural zeolites have been shown to be effective in industrial and municipal waste water systems. The following is a listing of those cations which can be removed from various effluents by GSA zeolites under the proper conditions:

Rb+ Li+ K+ Cs+ NH+4

Na+ Ag+ Cd+2 Pb+2 Zn+2

Ba+2 Sr+2 Cu+2 Ca+2 Hg+2

Mg+2 Fe+3 Co+3 Al+3 Cr+3

One of the first full scale projects to incorporate natural zeolites in a municipal tertiary water treatment system was built for the Tahoe Truckee Sanitation Agency. This system, designed by CH2M Hill, utilizes zeolite as an ion exchange medium for the removal of ammonium (NH+4). The municipal effluent containing ammonium is passed through the natural zeolite which adsorbs the ammonium ion. The efficiency of ammonium removal is dependent upon temperature, water quality, and rate of flow. Regeneration of the natural zeolite bed for reuse is achieved by passing a brine solution through it. The regenerant then is passed through a stripping unit and the ammonium is converted into ammonium sulfate, and sold as a fertilizer.

A pilot project near Denver, Colorado, is now using natural zeolites for the removal of ammonium in a potable water system. Similar systems are now in production which remove various pollutants including heavy metals and radioactive ions from industrial effluents.

One alternative to a typical tertiary water treatment plant is to apply effluents over natural soils. The soil filters the pollutants from the water as it gradually percolates to the natural ground-water table which may be recovered from wells for reuse. The soil, as an ion exchange medium, is regenerated by way of crop production capable of removing many of the pollutants. A major limitation of such systems is the requirement for percolation which typically necessitates the use of a sandy soil type not ideal for ion exchange. The low cation exchange capacity of these sandy soil can then be enhanced through the addition of GSA zeolites which will not impede percolation. Tests of such a system were carried out by Dr. Ian Pepper of the University of Arizona. In these tests, a turf grass was used to regenerate the system and adequate efficiencies of pollutant removal were found to be attainable. Additions of natural zeolites in these systems may be found to favorably improve the sequestering of heavy metals. Further testing is required to fully demonstrate this possibility.

Systems for the specific removal of cations from industrial wastes utilizing natural zeolites as a component of the filter medium have been commercialized. These systems have successfully recovered precious metals from plating operations as well as basic industrial pollutants from effluents.

Reference : http://www.gsaresources.com

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Pupuk Zeolit, Si Murah Berkhasiat Tinggi untuk Kebun Sawit (bagian 2)

Dadang Gusyana - Information Officer, Indonesian Biotechnology Information Centre (Indo BIC) - member of ISAAA SEAsia Centre, 2005

Areal pertanaman sawit paling banyak mengalami degradasi tingkat kesuburan, baik kesuburan secara fisika, kimia ataupun biologi. Journal of Oil Palm Research mengemuka bahwa degradasi kesuburan lahan selain faktor produktivitas sawit yang tinggi juga disebabkan oleh hilangnya nutrisi pupuk karena terlarut melalui resapan air, perubahan cuaca, tidak ada perawatan tanah, tidak memperbaiki aerasi tanah dan tanah tidak lagi mengandung unsur mikro. Dari penelitian di Malaysia melalui studi kelayakan pada perkebunan sawit dengan menggunakan campuran pupuk dan zeolit di dapatkan perbandingan terbaik adalah NPK : Zeolit = 3 : 2. Hasil penelitian tersebut juga menyimpulkan bahwa zeolit dapat menghemat pupuk dan dapat meningkatkan hasil panen.

Gambar 1: Pada pemupukan tanaman dengan pupuk urea, dalam tanah urea akan membentuk ion amonium (NH4+), ion ini apabila tidak diikat oleh tanah (zeolit) maka akan terbuang percuma lewat air irigasi. Dengan demikian unsur hara yang diberikan lewat pemupukan akan lebih efisien apabila tanah pertanian diberi zeolit. Zeolit tidak hanya mengawetkan unsur N saja, tetapi juga K, Ca dan Mg.

Zeolit mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengawetkan pupuk. Kemampuan ini berarti akan menghemat biaya pemupukan, tetapi perlu diingat bahwa zeolit adalah bahan pedamping pupuk Urea, SP-36 dan KCI, bukan pengganti pupuk tersebut. Zeolit juga digunakan untuk mengurangi tingkat pencemaran logam berat seperti Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ pada lingkungan. Modifikasi zeolit sebagai adsorben anion seperti NO3-, Cl-, dan SO4- telah dikembangkan melalui proses kalsinasi zeolit-H pada suhu 5500C.

Secara kimia kandungan zeolit yang utama adalah: Si02 = 62,75%; Al203 =12,71 %; K20 = 1,28 %; CaO = 3,39 %; Na2O = 1,29 %; MnO = 5,58 %; Fe203 = 2,01 %; MgO = 0,85 %; Clinoptilotit = 30 %; Mordernit = 49 %. Sedangkan nilai KPK antara 80 - 120 me/100 gr, nilai yang tergolong tinggi untuk penilaian tingkat kesuburan tanah. Nilai KPK ini akan menentukan kemampuan bahan tersebut untuk menyimpan pupuk yang diberikan sebelum diserap tanaman. Penelitian lainnya dilakukan oleh Winana, ES dkk, yang berjudul Perbaikain Medium Tanam dan Pertumbuhan Melalui Aplikasi Zeolit, Zeolit diketahui dapat memperbaiki kesuburan tanah antara lain melalui peningkatan kapasitas tukar kation.

Penelitian aplikasi zeolit dilakukan pada pembibitan kelapa sawit untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap medium tanam dan pertumbuhan serta serapan hara bibit kelapa sawit telah dilakukan di areal pembibitan kelapa sawit kebun percobaan Aek Pancur dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Medium yang digunakan adalah tanah Typic Paleudults, Typic Udipsamments, dan Typic Hapludults. Perlakuan aplikasi zeolit terdiri dari 4 taraf dosis yaitu 0, 50, 100, dan 150 g/ polybag. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian zeolit ke dalam tanah umumnya mampu meningkatkan kandungan hara dalam tanah dan kapasitas tukar kation tanah.

Aplikasi zeolit sebagai bahan pembenah tanah pada pembibitan kelapa sawit tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan serapan hara bibit hingga umur 11 bulan. Namun demikian, secara umum aplikasi zeolit hingga dosis 100 g/polybag cenderung dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan serapan hara bibit dibandingkan dengan perlakuan tanpa aplikasi zeolit, sedangkan aplikasi dengan dosis hingga 150 g/ polybag cenderung menurunkan pertumbuhan dan serapan hara.

Asal Usul Zeolit

Penemuan zeolit di dunia dimulai dengan ditemukannya Stilbit pada tahun 1756 oleh seorang ilmuwan bernama A. F. Constedt. Constedt menggambarkan kekhasan mineral ini ketika berada dalam pemanasan terlihat seperti mendidih karena molekulnya kehilangan air dengan sangat cepat. Sesuai dengan sifatnya tersebut maka mineral ini diberi nama zeolit yang berasal dari kata ‘zein’ yang berarti mendidih dan ‘lithos’ yang berarti batuan. Pada tahun 1784, Barthelemy Faujas de Saint seorang profesor geologi Perancis menemukan sebuah formulasi yang cantik hasil penelitiannya tentang zeolit yang dipublikasikan dalam bukunya “Mineralogie des Volcans”. Akhirnya berkat jasanya, pada tahun 1842 zeolit baru tersebut dinamai Faujasit.

Zeolit telah dipelajari oleh para ahli mineral selama lebih dari 250 tahun. Berikut ini diberikan tahun ditemukannya mineral zeolit .Semenjak awal tahun 1940-an, ilmuwan Union Carbide telah memulai penelitiannya untuk mensintesis zeolit dan mereka berhasil mensintesis zeolit A dan X murni pada tahun 1950, dan setelah itu banyak ditemukan zeolit sintesis jenis baru. Zeolit merupakan senyawa aluminosilikat terhidrasi yang memiliki kerangka struktur tiga dimensi (3D), mikroporous, dan merupakan padatan kristalin dengan kandungan utama silikon, aluminium, dan oksigen serta mengikat sejumlah tertentu molekul air di dalam porinya.

Karena sifat unik dari zeolit, maka zeolit banyak digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi di industri diantaranya zeolit digunakan di industri minyak bumi sebagai ‘cracking’, di industri deterjen sebagai penukar ion, pelunak air sadah dan di industri pemurnian air, serta berbagai aplikasi lain.

Dalam bidang pertanian, secara umum zeolit fungsi zeolit adalah: (1) Meningkatkan kadar oksigen terlarut dalam air irigasi lahan persawahan, (2) Menjaga keseimbangan pH tanah, (3) Mampu mengikat logam berat yang bersifat meracun tanaman misalnya Pb dan Cd, (4) Mengikat kation dari unsur dalam pupuk misalnya NH4+ dari urea K+ dari KC1, sehingga penyerapan pupuk menjadi effisien, (5) Ramah lingkungan karena menetralkan unsur yang mencemari lingkungan. (6) Memperbaiki struktur tanah (sifat fisik) karena kandungan Ca dan Na, (7) Meningkatkan KPK tanah (sifat kimia), dan (8) Meningkatkan hasil tanaman.

Untuk informasi produk, dosis pemakaian, pemesanan dan harga klik disini

Agriculture and Plant Growing Use Of Natural Zeolite On Sandy Soil

Fields of using the natural zeolite embrace practically all kinds of human activities , and above all in agriculture, plant growing and ecology as follows .
  1. Ameliorant, natural fertilizer structure modifier, radionuclide absorber
  2. Soil deoxidizer (cations of heavy metals in the soil being decontaminated and the soil its elfbeingenriched with micro elements )
  3. Stabilizer of mineral fertilizers
  4. Mineral component of foamed glass and concrete.
  5. Active additive to grouting mortars for well cementing
  6. Abrasive materi al for producing cleaning compositions
  7. Ion exchanger and sorbent for water purification and softening

Natural HOUSEPLANTS preserves water in the soi l , retaining it for along time and supplying plants with it slowly and continuously.
The use of natural zeolite stops washing out of fertilizers from the soil , restores and increases ability of the soil to exchange nutrients for plants .
Natural zeolite prevents diseases of roots of the plants , being a source of micro elements and a soil temperature regulator.

A significant number of exchange bas es : Ca, Mg, Na, K and various microelements whos equantity distinctively exceeds their content in the soil , get into the soil together with zeolite. Thanks to the hghly active sorbent and to the appearance of exchange bases in the soil solution and the solid phase absorbing functions of the soil complex made up by sandy soils are increased.

The practical introduction of cli noptilolite into the soil results in the significant accumulation of mobile and absorbed calcium; it proves that the natural mineral and the soil interact immediately. The natural zeolite acts as an ion exchanger: cations from the clinoptilolite structure are replaced with hydrogen ions of the soil solution and of the soil solid phase. Thus , as a resul t of the cli noptilolite applicati on the content of Ca, K and Mg exchange bases in the soil absorbing complex is si gnificantly increased as compared with the initial one.

So the increase of the calcium content in the soil complex, caused by zeolite applicati on proves that it actively interacts not only with the soil but also with mineral fertilizers . The point in view is the exchange absorption of important-for-plant-nutrition cations introduced into the soil together with fertilizers . This property of natural zeolites is used to prevent losses of nutrient substances while they are accumulated in the soil .

Genetic resources of mineral and organic resources , being, as it is known, main carriers of the soil absorbing capacity are extremely limited in sandy soils , and consequently is limited is the capacity of the soil to absorb and retain nutritive substances . When natural zeolite is introduced into the soil the content of an active mineral fraction having good ion-exchange properties increases , resulting .in the growth of the absorbing capacity of the fertile soil . In practice the greatest increase in cation capacity may be attained when 1 hectare of land is treated wi th 15 tons of zeolite. This method is rather efficient and its effect is preserved for a long time: from 5 to 7 years .

The cation exchange capacity of the soil enriched with zeolite increases at the expense of natural reserves of alkaline earth elements cations as well as due to its elective exchange capacity to absorb and retain nutritive substances from fertili zers that have been introduced into the soil . With the increase of the absorbing capacity of the soil its most important properties improve which is reflected on the growth and heal th of plants .

Pupuk Zeolit, Si Murah Berkhasiat Tinggi untuk Kebun Sawit (bagian 1)

Penggunaan zeolite pada perkebunan kelapa sawit

Dadang Gusyana - Information Officer, Indonesian Biotechnology Information Centre (Indo BIC) - member of ISAAA SEAsia Centre, 2005

Penggunaan pupuk anorganik ditahun 1960 hingga 1990-an yang tidak rasional karena takarannya lebih tinggi dari yang dibutuhkan atau tidak berpedoman pada pemupukan berimbang berdasarkan konsep uji tanah, terbukti telah merusak tanah dan menurunkan efisiensi serapan hara dari pupuk. Bagaimana cara mengatasinya? Praktek konservasi tanah dan air serta penggunaan pembenah tanah dan pupuk organik di Indonesia harus diterapkan oleh petani. Zeolit dapat digunakan pada lahan pertanian terdegradasi sebagai tanah-tanah mineral masam bertekstus kasar dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan campuran pupuk didasarkan pada sifat zeolit yang berfungsi sebagai soil amendment, sehingga efisiensi pemupukan dapat ditingkatkan.

Pada tahun 1999 zeolit pernah direkomendasikan untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan, tetapi dengan berbagai alasan seperti beredarnya zeolit yang palsu dan tidak ada penyuluhan secara intensif, akhirnya petani tidak menggunakannya lagi. Kehilangan N pupuk dalam tanah dapat ditekan dengan pembuatan pupuk slow release fertilizer (SRF) yang dibuat dari campuran urea dan zeolit. Gagalnya sosialisasi penggunaan zeolit mengakibatkan kandungan C-organik tanah cenderung terus menurun, sehingga terjadi kerusakan tanah.

Kerusakan tanah lebih dipercepat lagi akibat penggunaan pupuk anorganik yang intensif dengan takaran tinggi. Agar kerusakan tanah dapat diperbaiki, maka perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya untuk meperbaiki sifat-sifat tanah melalui pemberian pembenah tanah tidak hanya zeolit, tetapi hendaknya dikombinasikan dengan pupuk organik (2 ton/ha) dan pupuk anorganik yang takarannya dapat dikurangi sampai 50%, sehingga produksi pertanian dapat ditingkatkan. Jika takaran pupuk yang diberikan 100% dari takaran anjuran maka residu pupuk berakhir lebih lama dengan peningkatan hasil yang lebih tinggi.

Pupuk Urea dan KCl yang diberikan ke tanah yang sebelumnya sudah diberi zeolit, maka kation NH4+-Urea dan kation K+-KCl dapat terperangkap sementara dalam pori-pori zeolit yang sewaktu-waktu dilepaskan secara perlahan-lahan untuk diserap tanaman. Sejumlah kation Al dan Fe tanah yang masuk dalam rongga-rongga ditahan dalam struktur zeolit yang bermuatan negatif, sehingga anion H2PO4- dari pupuk SP-36 sangat sedikit atau belum sempat diikat Al atau Fe akhirnya mudah diserap akar tanaman. Fenomena masuknya kation NH4+ dan K+ di rongga-rongga dalam struktur zeolit disebabkan zeolite clinoptilolite yang mempunyai nisbah Si/Al 4.5-5.0 dan KTK secara teori sekitar 225 cmol(+) Kg-1 mempunyai selectivity (kemampuan menyaring) kation dalam urutan dari besar sampai kecil (Cs>Rb>K>NH4>Ba>Sr>Na>Ca>Fe>Al>Mg>Li).

Zeolit sebagai pembenah tanah adalah mineral dari senyawa aluminosilikat terhidrasi dengan struktur berongga dan mengandung kation-kation alkali yang dapat dipertukarkan. Zeolit sebagai pembenah yang diberikan ke dalam tanah dengan jumlah relatif banyak dapat memperbaiki sifat-sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah sehingga produksi pertanian dapat ditingkatkan.

Sifat khas dari zeolit sebagai mineral yang berstruktur tiga demensi, bermuatan negatif, dan memiliki pori-pori yang terisi ion-ion K, Na, Ca, Mg dan molekul H2O, sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran ion dan pelepasan air secara bolak-balik. Zeolit mempunyai kerangka terbuka dengan jaringan pori-pori yang mempunyai permukaan bermuatan negatif dapat mencegah pencucian unsur hara NH4+-Urea dan kation K+-KCl keluar dari daerah perakaran, sehingga pupuk Urea dan KCl yang diberikan lebih efisien.

Aplikasi zeolit tidak sama dengan pembenah tanah lainnya (kaptan dan gypsum), sebab zeolit tidak mengalami penguraian dan jumlahnya masih tetap dalam tanah untuk meretensi unsur hara. Aplikasi zeolit berikutnya akan lebih memperbaiki kemampuan tanah untuk menahan unsur hara dan memperbaiki hasil. Zeolit tidak asam dan penggunaannya dengan pupuk dapat menyangga pH tanah, sehingga dapat mengurangi takaran kapur. Pemberian zeolit tidak hanya digunakan sebagai pembawa hara tanaman, tetapi juga sebagai perangkap logam berat (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn) sehingga penyerapan/pengambilan kedalam rantai makanan dicegah atau berkurang.

Bagaimana manfaat pupuk zeolit pada kelapa sawit?

Bersambung ke bagian 2

Untuk informasi produk, dosis pemakaian, pemesanan dan harga klik disini

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Penggunaan Zeolite pada Pertanian beserta Dosis Pemakaian

Dasar Kebijakan Pemerintah:
  • SK Menteri Pertanian No 07/Kpts/Mentan/Bimas/XII/1998 tanggal 9 Desember 1998
  • Dirjen Tanaman Pangan & Hortikultura No. PR.130.760 .11.1998 tanggal 26 November 1998 telah menyetujui zeolite sebagai bahan pembenah tanah.
Fungsi zeolite bagi lahan pentanian :
  1. Menjaga keseimbangan pH tanah.
  2. Meningkatkan kadar oksigen terlarut dalam air irigasi lahan persawahan.
  3. Mampu mengikat logam berat yang bersifat meracun tanaman misalnya Pb dan Cd
  4. Mengikat kation dan unsur dalam pupuk misalnya NH4+ dan urea K+, KCl dan ion Posphat, sehingga penyerapan pupuk menjadi effisien (tidak boros).
  5. Ramah Iingkungan karena menetralkan unsur yang mencemari Iingkungan.
  6. Memperbaiki struktur tanah (sifat fisik) karena kandungan Ca dan Na.
  7. Meningkatkan KTK tanah (sifat kimia).
  8. Meningkatkan hasil tanaman
Zeolite juga sangat mendukung sistem pertanian, dengan menggunakan zeolite hasil produk pertanian akan lebih optimal.
Cara Penggunaanya :
  1. Penggunaan zeolite sebaiknya dilakukan pada saat pengolahan tanah (Penggarukan) Yaitu dengan cara ditebarkan secara merata dengan dosis sebesar 100 gram/m2
  2. Campurkan dengan pupuk pada saat pemupukan dengan perbandingan sekitar 5% - 20% dari dosis pupuk yang digunakan

Untuk Tanaman Tahunan & Perkebunan :
Berikut Ini adalah Caranya :
  1. Sebagai Pupuk dasar pada lahan yang akan ditanami dengan aa dicampur dengan pupuk tunggal Lainnya (Urea)
  2. Ditebar merata sesuai dosis anjuran pada parit yang dibuat sedalam 20 cm mengelilingi batang tanaman pada lingkaran sesuai dengan proyeksi tajuk daun dan diberikan bersama dengan pupuk tunggal lainnya pada awal musim hujan.
  3. Jika pemberian dilakukan dengan sistem tebar pada permukaan tanah sebaiknya dilakukan pada saat pengolahan tanah atau sebelum penanaman (Sebagaimana point 1).
  4. Jika pemberiannya dilakukan setelah penanaman (umur muda) gunakan system tunggal atau larikan (garis) diantara tanaman dengan kedalaman 5 sampai dengan 10 cm atau dibuatkan parit sedalam 20 cm mengelilingi batang tanaman, selanjutnya pupuk ditebar merata sesuai dengan dosis anjuran.

Dosis penggunaan :

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Effect of limestone particle size on egg production and eggshell quality of hens during late production

Effect of limestone particle size on egg production and eggshell quality of hens during late production

F.H. de Witt#, N.P. Kuleile, H.J. van der Merwe and M.D. Fair
Department of Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa


A study was conducted to determine the influence of different particle size limestone in layer diets on egg production and eggshell quality during the later stages of egg production (>54 weeks of age). Calcitic limestone (360 g Ca/kg), consisting of small (<1.0 mm), medium (1.0 - 2.0 mm) and large (2.0 - 3.8 mm) particles were obtained from a specific South African source that is extensively used in poultry diets Isoenergetic (14.32 MJ AME/kg DM) and isonitrogenous (172.01 g CP/kg DM) diets with a dietary Ca content of 39.95 g Ca/kg DM were used. Sixty nine, individual caged Lohmann-Silver pullets, 17 weeks of age, were randomly allocated to the three treatments (n = 23) for the determination of various egg production and eggshell quality characteristics. Egg production and eggshell quality data recorded on individual basis at 54, 58, 64 and 70 weeks of age were pooled to calculate and statistical analysed parameter means for the late production period. Different limestone particle sizes had no effect on any of the tested egg production and eggshell quality parameters. These results suggested that larger particles limestone are not necessarily essential to provide sufficient Ca2+ to laying hens for egg production and eggshell quality at end-of-lay, provided that the dietary Ca content satisfies the requirements of the laying hen.
Keywords: Lohmann-Silver, feed efficiency, egg weight, eggshell thickness, calcification
# Corresponding author. E-mail: dewittfh.sci@ufs.ac.za

Pengaruh Penambahan Zeolite pada Kualitas Telur Puyuh

PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ZEOLIT DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP KUALITAS TELUR BURUNG PUYUH [The Effect of Zeolit Addition in the Ration on Egg Quality of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)]

Sihombing, G and Avivah, Avivah and Prastowo, S (2006) PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ZEOLIT DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP KUALITAS TELUR BURUNG PUYUH [The Effect of Zeolit Addition in the Ration on Egg Quality of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)]. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 31 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 0410-6320


ABSTRAK Sebanyak 125 ekor burung puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica) telah digunakan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian zeolit dalam ransum terhadap kualitas telur. Burung dialokasikan sesuai rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan, lima ulangan dan masing-masing ulangan terdapat lima ekor burung puyuh. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah penambahan zeolit pada ransum basal pada masing-masing perlakuan yaitu T0 (0%), T1 (2,5%), T2 (5%), T3 (7,5%) dan T4 (10%). Kualitas telur yang diamati adalah berat telur, persentase berat kerabang, persentase berat kuning telur, persentase berat albumen, tebal kerabang, indeks kuning telur, dan indeks albumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan zeolit pada ransum basal sampai level 10% secara umum tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan, tetapi penambahan zeolit sampai level 7,5% akan memberikan pengaruh berbeda pada peningkatan tebal kerabang telur. Kata kunci : zeolit, ransum, telur, burung puyuh ABSTRACT A hundred and twenty five quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) have been used to study the effect of zeolite addition in a ration on quail eggs quality. The birds were allotted to a completely randomized design, with five treatments, five replications and each replication contained five quails. The treatments were T0 (0%), T1 (2.5%), T2 (5%), T3 (7.5%) and T4 (10%). The parameters of egg quality observed were egg weight, egg shell weight, yolk weight percentage, albumen weight percentage, eggshell thickness, yolk index and albumen index. The results showed that zeolite addition in the ration up to 10% did not significally affect overall egg quality, though the zeolite addition up to 7.5%. eggshell thickness.

Sumber : http://eprints.undip.ac.id

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Agriculture Conditions using Zeolite

Raw material zeolite from Sukabumi mining


E. M. Z. Harb and M. A. Mahmoud
Agricultural Botany Department, Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt


The unique cation exchange, adsorption, hydration-dehydration and catalytic operties of natural zeolites (as granules) loaded with micronutrients, have promoted their use in clean agriculture as soil amendments and slow-release fertilizers. This research was conducted in open field to investigate the effects of natural zeolite, organic fertilizer (compost) and combination of them on herb growth, oil yield and components of Yarrow plants (Achillea millefolium). The results indicated that zeolite loaded with micronutrients mixed with organic fertilizer led to significant increase in fresh weight, dry weight,number of flowers, total chlorophylls, carbohydrates content, oil yield as well as major ingredients of essential oil, and mineral nutrients, in comparison with the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers NPK (control) under the same conditions. These results undoubtedly confirm that zeolite and organic fertilizer (compost) mixture could replace the application of chemical fertilizers and consequently improve the quality and quantity of Achillea yield. This application may have direct impacts on safety and efficacy of herbal active constituents which entail for medicinal and aromatic products. Besides minimizing economic costs and pollution of agricultural environment.

Key words: Achillea millefolium , chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizer, yarrow plant , zeolite.


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